Main features:
- Visualization of the HDF contents for the following formats:
- SDS (Scientific Data Set)
- Vfiles
- "Raster images" 24 bits or 8 bits with look up table
- Visualization of slices of data up to 6 indexes
- Display of the files attributes
- Automatic detection of particular filling values (mask)
- Extraction and dump of binary files stored as simple matrices of lines x columns
- Display data sets as ASCII pages of numbers
- Plot of transects and histograms on image planes
- Plot of SDS records
- Production of images and graphics PostScript prints
- with command lines
- extract the ancillary data of a SDS
- print a postscript RGB image
- export (raw or calibrated) SDS records to binary files or HDF files
- build reprojected SDS mosaic to binary files or HDF files
- export RGB images to jpeg files
- export RGB images to hdf files
- build reprojected RGB mosaic to binary files or HDF files
- Connected to Msphinx:
- send to Msphinx all (raw or reprojected) MODIS data and then use the Msphinx command lines to build sophisticate outputs.
- with the AERONET data base
- In conjunction with the AERONET data base, HDFLook is able to provide a fast
validation of the aerosol algorithm by downloading directly the AERONET
Optical thickness value for the corresponding MODIS granule visualized.
Specific Modis RGB visualization
HDFlook is designed to recognize different MODIS HDF-EOS files.
Just the action of clicking on the file name will open several MODIS
additional menus and options.
Three levels of MODIS data can be analyzed.
The user is able to visualize with reprojection or not.
- Level1B A RGB standard atmospheric corrected image or a single plane.
- Level1B A RGB thermal anomalies corrected image.
- Level1B A RGB thermal image.
- Level1B RGB SWIR composite.
- Mod09 A RGB standard atmospheric corrected image or single plane.
- Other products (with latitude, longitude SDS records) a single plane.
- Other products (reprojected SDS records) a single plane.