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LOA publications
- Mallet, M., Dulac, F., Formenti, P., Nabat, P., Sciare, J., Roberts, G., Pelon, J., Ancellet, G., Tanré, D., Parol, F., Denjean, C., Brogniez, G., di Sarra, A., Alados-Arboledas, L., Arndt, J., Auriol, F., Blarel, L., Bourrianne, T., Chazette, P., Chevaillier, S., Claeys, M., D'Anna, B., Derimian, Y., Desboeufs, K., Di Iorio, T., Doussin, J.-F., Durand, P., Féron, A., Freney, E., Gaimoz, C., Goloub, P., Gómez-Amo, J. L., Granados-Muñoz, M. J., Grand, N., Hamonou, E., Jankowiak, I., Jeannot, M., Léon, J.-F., Maillé, M., Mailler, S., Meloni, D., Menut, L., Momboisse, G., Nicolas, J., Podvin, T., Pont, V., Rea, G., Renard, J.-B., Roblou, L., Schepanski, K., Schwarzenboeck, A., Sellegri, K., Sicard, M., Solmon, F., Somot, S., Torres, B., Totems, J., Triquet, S., Verdier, N., Verwaerde, C., Waquet, F., Wenger, J. & Zapf, P. (2016). Overview of the Chemistry-Aerosol Mediterranean Experiment/Aerosol Direct Radiative Forcing on the Mediterranean Climate (ChArMEx/ADRIMED) summer 2013 campaign. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 16(2), 455-504. 10.5194/acp-16-455-2016
- Mallet, M., Dulac, F., Nabat, P., Formenti, P., Sciare, J., Roberts, G., Denjean, C., Pelon, J., Tanré, D., Parol, F., Ancellet, G., Auriol, F., Blarel, L., Bourrianne, T., Brogniez, G., Chazette, P., Chevaillier, S., Claeys, M., Colomb, A., D’Anna, B., Derimian, Y., Desboeufs, K., Doussin, J. F., Durand, P., Féron, A., Ferré, H., Fleury, L., Freney, E., Goloub, P., Grand, N., Hamonou, E., Jankowiak, I., Jeannot, M., Lambert, D., Léon, J. F., Mailler, S., Menut, L., Momboisse, G., Nicolas, J., Podvin, T., Pont, V., Rea, G., Renard, J. B., Roblou, L., Schwarzenboeck, A., Sellegri, K., Sicard, M., Solmon, F., Somot, S., Torres, B., Totems, J., Triquet, S., Verdier, N., Verwaerde, C. & Vignelles, D. (2015). Interactions aérosols-rayonnement-climat en région méditerranéenne. La Météorologie, 91(8), 29-38. 10.4267/2042/57860
- Jégou, F., Berthet, G., Brogniez, C., Renard, J.-B., François, P., Haywood, J. M., Jones, A., Bourgeois, Q., Lurton, T., Auriol, F., Godin-Beekmann, S., Guimbaud, C., Krysztofiak, G., Gaubicher, B., Chartier, M., Clarisse, L., Clerbaux, C., Balois, J. Y., Verwaerde, C. & Daugeron, D. (2013). Stratospheric aerosols from the Sarychev volcano eruption in the 2009 Arctic summer. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 13(13), 6533-6552. 10.5194/acp-13-6533-2013
- Karol, Y., Tanré, D., Goloub, P., Verwaerde, C., Balois, J. Y., Blarel, L., Podvin, T., Mortier, A. & Chaikovsky, A. (2013). Airborne sun photometer PLASMA: concept, measurements, comparison of aerosol extinction vertical profile with lidar. Atmos. Meas. Tech., 6(9), 2383-2389. 10.5194/amt-6-2383-2013
- Auriol, F., Léon, J.-F., Balois, J.-Y., Verwaerde, C., François, P., Riedi, J., Parol, F., Waquet, F., Tanré, D. & Goloub, P. (2008). Multidirectional visible and shortwave infrared polarimeter for atmospheric aerosol and cloud observation: OSIRIS (Observing System Including PolaRisation in the Solar Infrared Spectrum). Proc. SPIE, 7149D, 10.1117/12.806421
- Renard J.-B., Brogniez, C., Berthet, G., Bourgeois, Q., Gaubicher, B., Chartier, M., Balois, J.-Y., Verwaerde, C., Auriol, F., François, P., Daugeron, D. & Engrand, C. (2008). Vertical distribution of the different types of aerosols in the stratosphere: Detection of solid particles and analysis of their spatial variability. J. Geophys. Res., 113, D21303. 10.1029/2008JD010150
- Renard, J.-B., Berthet, G., Brogniez, C., Catoire, V., Fussen, D., Goutail, F., Oelhaf, H., Pommereau, J.-P., Roscoe, H. K., Wetzel, G., Chartier, M., Robert, C., Balois, J.-Y., Verwaerde, C., Auriol, F., François, P., Gaubicher, B. & Wursteisen, P. (2008). Validation of GOMOS-Envisat vertical profiles of O3, NO2, NO3, and aerosol extinction using balloon-borne instruments and analysis of the retrievals. J. Geophys. Res., 113, A02302. 10.1029/2007JA012345
- Waquet, F., Goloub, P., Deuzé, J. L., Léon, J. F., Auriol, F., Verwaerde, C., Balois, J. Y. & François, P. (2007). Aerosol retrieval over land using a multiband polarimeter and comparison with path radiance method. J. Geophys. Res., 112, D11214. 10.1029/2006JD008029
- Brogniez, G., Parol, F., Bécu, L., Pelon, J., Jourdan, O., Gayet, J. F., Auriol, F., Verwaerde, C., Balois, J. Y. & Damiri, B. (2004). Determination of cirrus radiative parameters from combination between active and passive remote sensing measurements during FRENCH/DIRAC 2001. Atmos. Res., 72(1-4), 425-452. 10.1016/j.atmosres.2004.03.026
- Brogniez, C., Huret, N., Eckermann, S., Rivière, E. D., Pirre, M., Herman, M., Balois, J. Y., Verwaerde, C., Larsen, N. & Knudsen, B. (2003). Polar stratospheric cloud microphysical properties measured by the microRADIBAL instrument on 25 January 2000 above Esrange and modeling interpretation. J. Geophys. Res., 108(D6), 8332. 10.1029/2001JD001017
- Renard, J. B., Berthet, G., Robert, C., Chartier, M., Pirre, M., Brogniez, C., Herman, M., Verwaerde, C., Balois, J. Y., Ovarlez, J., Ovarlez, H., Crespin, J. & Deshler, T. (2002). Optical and physical properties of stratospheric aerosols from balloon measurements in the visible and near-infrared domains. II. Comparison of extinction, reflectance, polarization, and counting measurements. Appl. Opt., 41(36), 7540-7549. 10.1364/AO.41.007540
- Brogniez, C., Lenoble, J., Herman, M., Lecomte, P. & Verwaerde, C. (1996). Analysis of two balloon experiments in coincidence with SAGE II in case of large stratospheric aerosol amount: Post-Pinatubo period. J. Geophys. Res., 101(D1), 1541-1552. 10.1029/95JD01640
- Herman, M., Santer, R., Gonzalez, L., Lecomte, P. & Verwaerde, C. (1991). Observations of PSCs in polarized light. Geophys. Res. Lett., 18(4), 775-778. 10.1029/91GL00770
- Deuzé, J. L., Devaux, C., Herman, M., Santer, R., Balois, J. Y., Gonzalez, L. Lecomte, P. & Verwaerde, C. (1989). Photopolarimetric observations of aerosols and clouds from balloon. Remote Sens. Environ., 29(2), 93-109. 10.1016/0034-4257(89)90019-9
- Herman, M., Balois, J. Y., Gonzalez, L., Lecomte, P., Lenoble, J., Santer, R. & Verwaerde, C. (1986). Stratospheric aerosol observations from a balloon-borne polarimetric experiment. Appl. Opt., 25(19), 3573-3584. 10.1364/AO.25.003573