
Luc Blarel

Bât. P5 - Bureau 315
03 20 43 40 63
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LOA publications

  • Tulet, P., Van Baelen, J., Bosser, P., Brioude, J., Colomb, A., Goloub, P., Pazmino, A., Portafaix, T., Ramonet, M., Sellegri, K., Thyssen, M., Gest, L., Marquestaut, N., Mékiès, D., Metzger, J.-M., Athier, G., Blarel, L., Delmotte, M., Desprairies, G., Dournaux, M., Dubois, G., Duflot, V., Lamy, K., Gardes, L., Guillemot, J.-F., Gros, V., Kolasinski, J., Lopez, M., Magand, O., Noury, E., Nunes-Pinharanda, M., Payen, G., Pianezze, J., Picard, D., Picard, O., Prunier, S., Rigaud-Louise, F., Sicard, M. & Torres, B. (2024). MAP-IO: an atmospheric and marine observatory program on board Marion Dufresne over the Southern Ocean. Earth Syst. Sci. Data, 16(8), 3821-3849. 10.5194/essd-16-3821-2024
  • Boichu, M., Grandin, R., Blarel, L., Torres, B., Derimian, Y., Goloub, P., Brogniez, C., Chiapello, I., Dubovik, O., Mathurin, T., Pascal, N., Patou, M. & Riedi, J. (2023). Growth and Global Persistence of Stratospheric Sulfate Aerosols From the 2022 Hunga Tonga–Hunga Ha'apai Volcanic Eruption. J. of Geophys. Res. Atmos., 128(e2023JD039010), 10.1029/2023JD039010
  • Sellitto, P., Podglajen, A., Belhadji, R., Boichu, M., Carboni, E., Cuesta, J., Duchamp, C., Kloss, C., Siddans, R., Bègue, N., Blarel, L., Jegou, F., Khaykin, S., Renard, J. -B. & Legras, B. (2022). The unexpected radiative impact of the Hunga Tonga eruption of 15th January 2022. Communications Earth & Environment, 3(1), 288. 10.1038/s43247-022-00618-z
  • Popovici, I.E., Deng, Z., Goloub, P., Xia, X., Chen, H., Blarel, L., Podvin, T., Hao, Y., Chen, H., Torres, B., Victori, S. & Fan, X. (2022). Mobile On-Road Measurements of Aerosol Optical Properties during MOABAI Campaign in the North China Plain. Atmosphere, 13(1), 21. 10.3390/atmos13010021
  • Mascaut, F., Pujol, O., Verreyken, B., Peroni, R., Metzger, J.-M., Blarel, L., Podvin, T., Goloub, P., Sellegri, K., Thornberry, T., Duflot, V., Tulet, P. & Brioude, J. (2022). Aerosol characterization in an oceanic context around Reunion Island (AEROMARINE field campaign). Atmospheric Env., 268(118770), 10.1016/j.atmosenv.2021.118770
  • Chauvigné, A., Waquet, F., Auriol, F., Blarel, L., Delegove, C., Dubovik, O., Flamant, C., Gaetani, M., Goloub, P., Loisil, R., Mallet, M., Nicolas, J.-M., Parol, F., Peers, F., Torres, B. & Formenti, P. (2021). Aerosol above-cloud direct radiative effect and properties in the Namibian region during the AErosol, RadiatiOn, and CLOuds in southern Africa (AEROCLO-sA) field campaign – Multi-Viewing, Multi-Channel, Multi-Polarization (3MI) airborne simulator and sun photometer measurements. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 21(10), 8233-8253. 10.5194/acp-21-8233-2021
  • Yin, Z., Ansmann, A., Baars, H., Seifert, P., Engelmann, R., Radenz, M., Jimenez, C., Herzog, A., Ohneiser, K., Hanbuch, K., Blarel, L., Goloub, P., Dubois, G., Victori, S. & Maupin, F. (2019). Aerosol measurements with a shipborne Sun–sky–lunar photometer and collocated multiwavelength Raman polarization lidar over the Atlantic Ocean. Atmos. Meas. Tech., 12(10), 5685-5698. 10.5194/amt-12-5685-2019
  • Popovici, I. E., Goloub, P., Podvin, T., Blarel, L., Loisil, R., Unga, F., Mortier, A., Deroo, C., Victori, S., Ducos, F., Torres, B., Delegove, C., Choël, M., Pujol-Söhne, N. & Pietras, C. (2018). Description and applications of a mobile system performing on-road aerosol remote sensing and in situ measurements. Atmos. Meas. Tech., 11(8), 4671-4691. 10.5194/amt-11-4671-2018
  • Popovici, I., Goloub, P., Mortier, A., Podvin, T., Blarel, L., Loisil, R., Deroo, C., Victori, S., Torres, B., Unga, F. & Choël, M. (2018). Un système mobile pour l’étude de la distribution verticale des aérosols dans l’atmosphère : description et premiers résultats. Pollution atmosphérique, 236, 10.4267/pollution-atmospherique.6510
  • Che, H., Qi, B., Zhao, H., Xia, X., Eck, T. F., Goloub, P., Dubovik, O., Estelles, V., Cuevas-Agulló, E., Blarel, L., Wu, Y., Zhu, J., Du, R., Wang, Y., Wang, H., Gui, K., Yu, J., Zheng, Y., Sun, T., Chen, Q., Shi, G. & Zhang, X. (2018). Aerosol optical properties and direct radiative forcing based on measurements from the China Aerosol Remote Sensing Network (CARSNET) in eastern China. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 18(1), 405-425. 10.5194/acp-18-405-2018
  • Barreto, Á., Román, R., Cuevas, E., Berjón, A. J., Almansa, A. F., Toledano, C., González, R., Hernández, Y., Blarel, L., Goloub, P., Guirado, C. & Yela, M. (2017). Assessment of nocturnal aerosol optical depth from lunar photometry at the Izaña high mountain observatory. Atmos. Meas. Tech., 10(8), 3007-3019. 10.5194/amt-10-3007-2017
  • Torres, B., Dubovik, O., Fuertes, D., Schuster, G., Cachorro, V. E., Lapyonok, T., Goloub, P., Blarel, L., Barreto, A., Mallet, M., Toledano, C. & Tanré, D. (2017). Advanced characterisation of aerosol size properties from measurements of spectral optical depth using the GRASP algorithm. Atmos. Meas. Tech., 10(10), 3743-3781. 10.5194/amt-10-3743-2017
  • Boichu, M., Chiapello, I., Brogniez, C., Péré, J.-C., Thieuleux, F., Torres, B., Blarel, L., Mortier, A., Podvin, T., Goloub, P., Söhne, N., Clarisse, L., Bauduin, S., Hendrick, F., Theys, N., Van Roozendael, M. & Tanré, D. (2016). Current challenges in modelling far-range air pollution induced by the 2014–2015 Bárðarbunga fissure eruption (Iceland). Atmos. Chem. Phys., 16(17), 10831-10845. 10.5194/acp-16-10831-2016
  • Mortier, A., Goloub, P., Derimian, Y., Tanré, D., Podvin, T., Blarel, L., Deroo, C., Marticorena, B., Diallo, A. & Ndiaye, T. (2016). Climatology of aerosol properties and clear-sky shortwave radiative effects using Lidar and Sun photometer observations in the Dakar site. J. Geophys. Res. Atmos., 121(11), 6489-6510. 10.1002/2015JD024588
  • Mallet, M., Dulac, F., Formenti, P., Nabat, P., Sciare, J., Roberts, G., Pelon, J., Ancellet, G., Tanré, D., Parol, F., Denjean, C., Brogniez, G., di Sarra, A., Alados-Arboledas, L., Arndt, J., Auriol, F., Blarel, L., Bourrianne, T., Chazette, P., Chevaillier, S., Claeys, M., D'Anna, B., Derimian, Y., Desboeufs, K., Di Iorio, T., Doussin, J.-F., Durand, P., Féron, A., Freney, E., Gaimoz, C., Goloub, P., Gómez-Amo, J. L., Granados-Muñoz, M. J., Grand, N., Hamonou, E., Jankowiak, I., Jeannot, M., Léon, J.-F., Maillé, M., Mailler, S., Meloni, D., Menut, L., Momboisse, G., Nicolas, J., Podvin, T., Pont, V., Rea, G., Renard, J.-B., Roblou, L., Schepanski, K., Schwarzenboeck, A., Sellegri, K., Sicard, M., Solmon, F., Somot, S., Torres, B., Totems, J., Triquet, S., Verdier, N., Verwaerde, C., Waquet, F., Wenger, J. & Zapf, P. (2016). Overview of the Chemistry-Aerosol Mediterranean Experiment/Aerosol Direct Radiative Forcing on the Mediterranean Climate (ChArMEx/ADRIMED) summer 2013 campaign. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 16(2), 455-504. 10.5194/acp-16-455-2016
  • Li, K., Li, Z., Li, D., Li, W., Blarel, L., Goloub, P., Torres, B., Xu, H., Xie, Y., Hou, W., Li, L. & Chen, X. (2015). Transfer method to calibrate the normalized radiance for a CE318 Sun/sky radiometer. Chinese Optics Letters, 13(4), 041001. 10.3788/COL201513.041001
  • Che, H., Zhang, X.-Y., Xia, X., Goloub, P., Holben, B., Zhao, H., Wang, Y., Zhang, X.-C., Wang, H., Blarel, L., Damiri, B., Zhang, R., Deng, X., Ma, Y., Wang, T., Geng, F., Qi, B., Zhu, J., Yu, J., Chen, Q. & Shi, G. (2015). Ground-based aerosol climatology of China: aerosol optical depths from the China Aerosol Remote Sensing Network (CARSNET) 2002–2013. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 15(13), 7619-7652. 10.5194/acp-15-7619-2015
  • Mallet, M., Dulac, F., Nabat, P., Formenti, P., Sciare, J., Roberts, G., Denjean, C., Pelon, J., Tanré, D., Parol, F., Ancellet, G., Auriol, F., Blarel, L., Bourrianne, T., Brogniez, G., Chazette, P., Chevaillier, S., Claeys, M., Colomb, A., D’Anna, B., Derimian, Y., Desboeufs, K., Doussin, J. F., Durand, P., Féron, A., Ferré, H., Fleury, L., Freney, E., Goloub, P., Grand, N., Hamonou, E., Jankowiak, I., Jeannot, M., Lambert, D., Léon, J. F., Mailler, S., Menut, L., Momboisse, G., Nicolas, J., Podvin, T., Pont, V., Rea, G., Renard, J. B., Roblou, L., Schwarzenboeck, A., Sellegri, K., Sicard, M., Solmon, F., Somot, S., Torres, B., Totems, J., Triquet, S., Verdier, N., Verwaerde, C. & Vignelles, D. (2015). Interactions aérosols-rayonnement-climat en région méditerranéenne. La Météorologie, 91(8), 29-38. 10.4267/2042/57860
  • Che, H., Xia, X., Zhu, J., Li, Z., Dubovik, O., Holben, B., Goloub, P., Chen, H., Estelles, V., Cuevas-Agulló, E., Blarel, L., Wang, H., Zhao, H., Zhang, X., Wang, Y., Sun, J., Tao, R., Zhang, X. & Shi, G. (2014). Column aerosol optical properties and aerosol radiative forcing during a serious haze-fog month over North China Plain in 2013 based on ground-based sunphotometer measurements. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 14(4), 2125-2138. 10.5194/acp-14-2125-2014
  • Karol, Y., Tanré, D., Goloub, P., Verwaerde, C., Balois, J. Y., Blarel, L., Podvin, T., Mortier, A. & Chaikovsky, A. (2013). Airborne sun photometer PLASMA: concept, measurements, comparison of aerosol extinction vertical profile with lidar. Atmos. Meas. Tech., 6(9), 2383-2389. 10.5194/amt-6-2383-2013
  • Torres, B., Toledano, C., Berjón, A., Fuertes, D., Molina, V., Gonzalez, R., Canini, M., Cachorro, V. E., Goloub, P., Podvin, T., Blarel, L., Dubovik, O., Bennouna, Y. & de Frutos, A. M. (2013). Measurements on pointing error and field of view of Cimel-318 Sun photometers in the scope of AERONET. Atmos. Meas. Tech., 6(8), 2207-2220. 10.5194/amt-6-2207-2013
  • Berjon, A., Torres, B., Toledano, C., Podvin, T., Blarel, L., Prats, N., Goloub, P. & Cachorro, V. E. (2013). Characterization of temperature sensitivity of sun photometers by field comparison with a reference instrument. Journal of Aerosol Science, 59, 1-5. 10.1016/j.jaerosci.2013.01.005
  • Mortier, A., Goloub, P., Podvin, T., Deroo, C., Chaikovsky, A., Ajtai, N., Blarel, L., Tanré, D. & Derimian, Y. (2013). Detection and characterization of volcanic ash plumes over Lille during the Eyjafjallajökull eruption. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 13(7), 3705-3720. 10.5194/acp-13-3705-2013
  • Li Z., Goloub, P., Blarel, L., Yang, B., Li, K., Podvin, T., Li, D., Xie, Y., Chen, X., Gu, X., Zheng, X., Li, J. & Catalfamo, M. (2013). Method to intercalibrate sunphotometer constants using an integrating sphere as a light source in the laboratory. Appl. Opt., 52(11), 2226-2234. 10.1364/AO.52.002226
  • Li, Z., Blarel, L., Podvin, T., Goloub, P. & Chen, L. (2010). Calibration of the degree of linear polarization measurement of polarized radiometer using solar light. Appl. Opt., 49(8), 1249-1256. 10.1364/AO.49.001249
  • Li, Z., Blarel, L., Podvin, T., Goloub, P., Buis, J.-P. & Morel, J.-P. (2008). Transferring the calibration of direct solar irradiance to diffuse-sky radiance measurements for CIMEL Sun-sky radiometers. Appl. Opt., 47(10), 1368-1377. 10.1364/AO.47.001368
  • Li, Z., Goloub, P., Blarel, L., Damiri, B., Podvin, T. & Jankowiak, I. (2007). Dust optical properties retrieved from ground-based polarimetric measurements. Appl. Opt., 46(9), 1548-1553. 10.1364/AO.46.001548
  • Tanré, D., Kaufman, Y. J., Holben, B. N., Chatenet, B., Karnieli, A., Lavenu, F., Blarel, L., Dubovik, O., Remer, L. A. & Smirnov, A. (2001). Climatology of dust aerosol size distribution and optical properties derived from remotely sensed data in the solar spectrum. J. Geophys. Res., 106(D16), 18205-18217. 10.1029/2000JD900663
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