
Michel Legrand

Enseignant-Chercheur Émérite
A quitté le laboratoire
Désolé, mais aucune information n'a été renseignée pour ce profil :-(

LOA publications

  • Veselovskii, I., Hu, Q., Goloub, P., Podvin, T., Korenskiy, M., Derimian, Y., Legrand, M. & Castellanos, P. (2020). Variability in lidar-derived particle properties over West Africa due to changes in absorption: towards an understanding. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 20(11), 6563-6581. 10.5194/acp-20-6563-2020
  • Kaskaoutis, D. G., Houssos, E. E., Minvielle, F., Rashki, A., Chiapello, I., Dumka, U. C. & Legrand, M. (2018). Long-term variability and trends in the Caspian Sea - Hindu Kush Index: Influence on atmospheric circulation patterns, temperature and rainfall over the Middle East and Southwest Asia. Global and Planetary Change, 169, 16-33. 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2018.07.004
  • Rashki, A., Kaskaoutis, D.G., Mofidi, A., Minvielle, F., Chiapello, I., Legrand, M., Dumka, U.C. & Francois, P. (2018). Effects of Monsoon, Shamal and Levar winds on dust accumulation over the Arabian Sea during summer - The July 2016 case. Aeolian Research, 36, 27-44. 10.1016/j.aeolia.2018.11.002
  • Kaskaoutis, D. G., Houssos, E. E., Solmon, F., Legrand, M., Rashki, A., Dumka, U. C., Francois, P., Gautam, R. & Singh, R. P. (2018). Impact of atmospheric circulation types on southwest Asian dust and Indian summer monsoon rainfall. Atmos. Res., 201, 189-205. 10.1016/j.atmosres.2017.11.002
  • Derimian, Y., Choël, M., Rudich, Y., Deboudt, K., Dubovik, O., Laskin, A., Legrand, M., Damiri, B., Koren, I., Unga, F., Moreau, M., Andreae, M. O. & Karnieli, A. (2017). Effect of sea breeze circulation on aerosol mixing state and radiative properties in a desert setting. Atmos. Chem. Phys., 17(18), 11331-11353. 10.5194/acp-17-11331-2017
  • Kaskaoutis, D. G., Houssos, E. E., Rashki, A., François, P., Legrand, M., Goto, D., Bartzokas, A., Kambezidis, H. D. & Takemura, T. (2016). The Caspian Sea–Hindu Kush Index (CasHKI): A regulatory factor for dust activity over southwest Asia. Glob. Plan. Change, 137, 10-23. 10.1016/j.gloplacha.2015.12.011
  • Rashki, A., Kaskaoutis, D. G., François, P., Kosmopoulos, P. G. & Legrand, M. (2015). Dust-storm dynamics over Sistan region, Iran: Seasonality, transport characteristics and affected areas. Aeolian Res., 16, 35-48. 10.1016/j.aeolia.2014.10.003
  • Kaskaoutis, D., François, P., Dumka, U., Houssos, E. & Legrand, M. (2015). Meteorological regimes modulating dust outbreaks in southwest Asia: The role of pressure anomaly and Inter-Tropical Convergence Zone on the 1-3 July 2014 case. Aeolian Res., 18, 83-97. 10.1016/j.aeolia.2015.06.006
  • Kaskaoutis, D. G., Rashki, A., Houssos, E. E., Mofidi, A., Goto, D., Bartzokas, A., François, P. & Legrand, M. (2014). Meteorological aspects associated with dust storms in the Sistan region, southeastern Iran. Clim. Dyn., 45(1), 407-424. 10.1007/s00382-014-2208-3
  • Vergé-Depré, G., Legrand, M., Moulin, C., Alias A. & Francois, P. (2006). Improvement of the detection of desert dust over the Sahel using METEOSAT IR imagery. Ann. Geophys., 24(8), 2065-2073. 10.5194/angeo-24-2065-2006
  • Petit, R. H., Legrand, M., Jankowiak, I., Molinié, J., Asselin de Beauville, C., Marion, G. & Mansot, J. L. (2005). Transport of Saharan dust over the Caribbean Islands: Study of an event. J. Geophys. Res., 110, D18S09. 10.1029/2004JD004748
  • Brooks, N., Chiapello, I., Savino, D., Drake, N., Legrand, M., Moulin, C. & Prospero, J. (2005). The climate-environment-society nexus in the Sahara from prehistoric times to the present day. J. North. African Stud., 10(3-4), 253-292. 10.1080/13629380500336680
  • Marticorena, B., Chazette, P., Bergametti, G., Dulac, F. & Legrand, M. (2004). Mapping the aerodynamic roughness length of desert surfaces from the POLDER/ADEOS bi-directional reflectance product. Int. J. Remote Sens., 25(3), 603-626. 10.1080/0143116031000116976
  • Yu, T., Gu, X., Tian, G., Legrand, M., Baret, F., Hanocq, J. F., Bosseno, R. & Zhang, Y. (2004). Modeling directional brightness temperature over a maize canopy in row structure. IEEE Trans. Geosci. Rem. Sens., 42(10), 2290-2304. 10.1109/TGRS.2004.834196
  • Brogniez, G., Piétras, C., Legrand, M., Dubuisson, P. & Haeffelin, M. (2003). A high-accuracy multiwavelength radiometer for in situ measurements in the thermal infrared. Part 2: qualification in field experiments. J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., 20(7), 1023-1033. 10.1175/1520-0426(2003)20<1023:AHMRFI>2.0.CO;2
  • Léon, J. F. & Legrand, M. (2003). Mineral dust sources in the surroundings of the north Indian Ocean. Geophys. Res. Lett., 30(6), 1309. 10.1029/2002GL016690
  • Caquineau, S., Gaudichet, A., Gomes, L. & Legrand, M. (2002). Mineralogy of Saharan dust transported over northwestern tropical Atlantic Ocean in relation to source regions. J. Geophys. Res., 107(D15), 4251. 10.1029/2000JD000247
  • Brooks, N. & Legrand, M. (2000). Dust Variability over Northern Africa and Rainfall in the Sahel. Linking climate change to land surface change, 6, 1-25. 10.1007/0-306-48086-7_1
  • Legrand, M., Plana Fattori, A. & N'doumé, C. (2000). Satellite detection of dust using the IR imagery of Meteosat: 1. Infrared difference dust index. J. Geophys. Res., 106(D16), 18251-18274. 10.1029/2000JD900749
  • Legrand, M., Piétras, C., Brogniez, G., Haeffelin, M., Abuhassan, N. K. & Sicard, M. (2000). A high-accuracy multiwavelength radiometer for in situ measurements in the thermal infrared. Part 1: characterization of the instrument. J. Atmos. Oceanic Technol., 17(9), 1203-1214. 10.1175/1520-0426(2000)017<1203:AHAMRF>2.0.CO;2
  • Sicard, M., Spyak, P. R., Brogniez, G., Legrand, M., Abuhassan, N. K., Pietras, C. & Buis, J. P. (1999). Thermal-infrared field radiometer for vicarious cross-calibration: characterization and comparisons with other field instruments. Opt. Eng., 38(2), 345-356. 10.1117/1.602094
  • Marticorena, B., Bergametti, G. & Legrand, M. (1999). Comparison of emission models used for large scale simulation of the mineral dust cycle. Contrib. Atmos. Phys., 72(2), 151-160.
  • Chomette, O., Legrand, M. & Marticorena, B. (1999). Determination of the wind speed threshold for the emission of desert dust using satellite remote sensing in the thermal infrared. J. Geophys. Res., 104(D24), 31207-31215. 10.1029/1999JD900756
  • Plana-Fattori, A., Legrand, M., Tanré, D., Devaux, C., Vermeulen, A. & Dubuisson, P. (1998). Estimating of the Atmospheric Water Vapor Content from Sun Photometer Measurements. J. Appl. Meteor., 37(8), 790-804. 10.1175/1520-0450(1998)037<0790:ETAWVC>2.0.CO;2
  • Moulin, C., Lambert, C.E., Dayan, U., Masson, V., Ramonet, M., Bousquet, P., Legrand, M., Balkanski, Y. J., Guelle, W., Marticorena, B., Bergametti, G. & Dulac, F. (1998). Satellite climatology of African dust transport in the Mediterranean atmosphere. J. Geophys. Res., 103(D11), 13137-13144. 10.1029/98JD00171
  • Marticorena, B., Bergametti, G., Aumont, B., Callot, Y., N'doumé, C. & Legrand, M. (1997). Modeling the atmospheric dust cycle: 2. Simulation of Saharan dust sources. J. Geophys. Res., 102(D4), 4387-4404. 10.1029/96JD02964
  • N'Tchayi, C., Bertrand, J. J., Legrand, M. & Baudet, G. J. R. (1994). Temporal and spatial variations of the atmospheric dust loading throughout West Africa over the last thirty years. Ann. Geophys., 12(2), 265-273. 10.1007/s00585-994-0265-3
  • Cautenet, G., Legrand, M., Cautenet, S., Bonnel, B. & Brogniez, G. (1992). Thermal impact of Saharan dust over land. Part 1: Simulation. J. Appl. Meteor., 31(2), 166-180. 10.1175/1520-0450(1992)031<0166:TIOSDO>2.0.CO;2
  • Legrand, M., Cautenet, G. & Buriez, J. C. (1992). Thermal impact of Saharan dust over land. Part 2: Application to satellite IR remote sensing. J. Appl. Meteor., 31(2), 181-193. 10.1175/1520-0450(1992)031<0181:TIOSDO>2.0.CO;2
  • Tanré, D. & Legrand, M. (1991). On the satellite retrieval of Saharan dust optical thickness over land: Two different approaches. J. Geophys. Res., 96(D3), 5221-5227. 10.1029/90JD02607
  • Legrand, M., Bertand, J. J., Desbois, M., Menenger, L. & Fouquart, Y. (1989). The potential of infrared satellite data for the retrieval of Saharan dust optical depth over Africa. J. Appl. Meteor., 28(4), 309-319. 10.1175/1520-0450(1989)028<0309:TPOISD>2.0.CO;2

Le Laboratoire d'Optique Atmosphérique est une Unité Mixte de Recherche du CNRS et de l'Université de Lille - Sciences et Technologies, spécialisée dans l'étude des nuages, des aérosols, de leurs précurseurs et de leurs impacts environnementaux (climat, pollution).

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LOA UMR 8518
UFR de Physique - Bâtiment P5
Université de Lille
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