You are invited to submit an abstract for the Third Conference on “Advancement of POLarimetric Observations” (APOLO-2022) Conference. Abstracts are being accepted for oral and poster presentations for Tuesday, August 9, 2022, to Friday, August 12, 2022.
Abstracts should not exceed 800 words and be in align but not limited to the following eight topics:
Advances in the theory of polarimetric remote sensing
Scattering of light by terrestrial aerosols, clouds, oceans, and land surfaces
Polarimetric applications in astrophysics and planetary science
Improvement of polarimetric instrumentation quality and information content
Development of advanced retrieval algorithms and data processing
Upcoming and current satellite missions and field campaigns
Long-term calibration and validation
Discussions on the life and legacy of Michael I. Mishchenko
Abstract Submission
Abstracts should not be no more than 800 words (including title, authors, and spaces).
Please click here to submit your abstract by the extended due date, April 29, 2022. Your abstract must be submitted in the format as shown on the attached Word template.
Abstract Timeline
Submission Open: February 16, 2022
Submission Deadline (Extended): April 29, 2022
Notifications of Acceptance: May 15, 2022
Notification of acceptance of an abstract will be sent to the submitting author after the submission deadline.